Perspectives Blog

If you have many groups in your program

Written by Mia Woodward MD | Nov 10, 2023 2:25:24 PM

It is very common for coaches to have many coaching groups: one-on-one clients, different groups, or members of a retreat.


It is fine and reasonable to gather information from any and all of these groups!  

Certainly, the process of gathering information will be different because y'alls interaction is different!


* The Key Insight * -- When you ask same questions over different settings, you get different answers... and thus different insights. 

I first realized this when interviewing people for job positions in my lab. I ask the same first questions, BUT I get wildly different answers! I learn so much about the person and their thought model!


All this said, I don't like feeling overwhelmed. So, make this easy.

Decide which of your groups will be

  • The easiest for you to enroll and/or
  • Give you the most insights about your business. 

Don't want to decide alone? I have the experience to help you choose. I have recruited from all sorts of settings. 

With my clients, we make a plan that is clean, crisp, and most powerful.