It is very common for coaches to have many coaching groups: one-on-one clients, different groups,...
IRB In's and Out's
How do you get an IRB for publishing a research study?
First, at PCA, we have got you.
We have developed customizable templates and comprehensive language specifically designed for conducting a standard research study focused on publishing the effectiveness of a coaching program.
But how does it happen?
1. Decide what type of research you are doing:
- A Retrospective study -- you don't actually need client permission if you are doing a "look back" aka a retrospective study.
- A Prospective study -- If your research involves collecting data with the explicit intention of conducting a study, it is essential to obtain client permission in advance. Perspectives can provide you with a set of straightforward survey questions to use for this purpose. However, for more intricate study designs, obtaining full informed consent is necessary. In such cases, you will need to collaborate with an IRB grantor to acquire the appropriate language templates that may be required.
2. Choose an IRB.
If you are affiliated with a University, you will have an IRB to use.
If your coaching business does not fall under the umbrella of an IRB, I highly recommend considering WCG (formerly known as "western") IRB. They offer a standardized and affordable fee structure for the review and execution of your study. Moreover, their team of experts is readily available to guide you through the process of creating study materials and obtaining approval. After a thorough review, they will provide you with an official letter of approval that can be used in your publications.